[ExeterLUG] meeting dates

Paul Sutton zleap at zleap.net
Fri Nov 15 12:41:12 UTC 2013


I have added the torbay and exeter pi jam dates to Paigntonpeople
website http://www.paigntonpeople.co.uk

Also added the next exeter lug meet and mentioned the plan is to build a
raspberry pi cluster

with regard to the dcglug upcoming meetings


Are the Plymouth meetings still taking place in Barisa Brothers,  they
are on the list for   23/11/13 and 21/12/13  as I just added the dates
to the meetings page.

Did anyone also decide on if the meeting in Holsworthy is still taking
place on the 21/12/13 

I would prefer to keep that page as up to date as possible.






Exeter Raspberry PI Jam 23rd November - http://dcglug.drogon.net/meetings/
Torbay Raspberry Pi Jam 14th December - http://dcglug.drogon.net/torbay-pi-jam/

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