[ExeterLUG] Developing the ExeterLUG

Rick Timmis rick.timmis at abazander.com
Mon Nov 18 22:12:04 UTC 2013

Dear everyone on the list 

I have been delighted with the way ExeterLUG
has developed over the last 18 months or so. We are really starting to make
an impact, The ARK is very close to completion. 

I was speaking this
weekend at Church with Micheal Emerton who runs the CodeClub at Exwick
Heights school. He reported back that the Laptops we provided for them have
been fully booked out since he got them, and he is having to schedule them
in on a rota basis with the children attending the Club. 

We have sold 3
£50 PC's and since I advertised them on Gumtree we have had 4 more
enquiries that look very likely to turn into Sales. 

The Cafe continues to
make a few pounds at each meeting, and the Software Freedom day took £100

I have enjoyed running the club, and of course I couldn't have done
it without your help. 

I am starting to feel a bit exposed, as the money
we have on hand is increasing, and we are building an asset base, with
computers and laptops, other equipment. I realise that it's not that much
money at the moment. However, it is a lot of responsibility, and trust to
lay at the door of one person ( i.e ME ) 

So I open to floor for your
suggestions as to the direction the ExeterLUG is taking, and I welcome your
ideas and proposals for how we might structure and organise the club, so
that it can handle money, stock and assets in a reliable and sensible way.

Looking forward to your thoughts and ideas on this matter. 

thanks --

Rick Timmis

My Professional Profile [1]


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