[ExeterLUG] Exeter LUG Meeting write up.

Rick.Timmis Rick.Timmis at Abazander.com
Sat Jan 11 18:50:25 UTC 2014

Hi Thomas

We can put a machine together running Linux Mint for you, no bother.
The stock ones in our £50.00 PC Program are a bit light weight, but still work well.

Fortunately we also have a newer machine 2Gb RAM, Radeon Graphics 320Gb HDD, this is very capable of running the latest edition of Linux Mint, and I know that all the Hardware is Linux supported (The AMD GPU Drivers are closed source, no flame wars please)

The case is a bit untidy, but the machine is good, we can let you have that with a Screen for £100.

Otherwise, I am sure as Malcolm says the folks at the club would gladly help you spec one up.

Hope that helps

Rick Timmis
Abazander.comMalcolm Dinsmore <m.dinsmore at btinternet.com> wrote:Hi Thomas, 

Sorry I can't help in finding a computer shop but ... 

If you already have a machine you can bring it along to the lug and we'll help you for free.

Some of us in the group do IT Support professionally so can also help you if you want a more commercial solution. 

Best wishes, 


-------- Original message --------
From: Thomas Morgan <tom.96 at blueyonder.co.uk> 
Date: 11/01/2014 14:05 (GMT+00:00) 
To: Exeter LUG Mailing List <exeter at mailman.lug.org.uk> 
Subject: Re: [ExeterLUG] Exeter LUG Meeting write up. 

Hi Rick

Thanks for the newsletter, I hope to be able to make it a Exeter LUG 
session soon.

I was just wondering if you knew of a good computer shop locally (I'm in 
Exeter but can travel) that could build a machine for Linux Mint? I find 
there are lots of people out there willing to build machines but not so 
many with knowledge of compatible components and Linux distros. 
Currently I'm using Mint 14 (amongst others) under Virtual Box emulation 
on a Mac.


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