[ExeterLUG] Fwd: [LUG] Cryptoparty workshop on February 1st at the Exeter Central Library

Paul Sutton zleap at zleap.net
Sun Jan 19 23:03:47 UTC 2014


This looks interesting.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[LUG] Cryptoparty workshop on February 1st at the Exeter
Central Library
Date: 	Sun, 19 Jan 2014 23:01:04 +0000
From: 	Trevor Sharp <trevor at exwick.com>
Reply-To: 	list at dcglug.org.uk
To: 	list at dcglug.org.uk

Now I know this is not a pure Linux item, or even Raspberry Pi-ish, but 
the Exeter Hackspace group, E-Space, are an interesting bunch and there 
are obvious cross-overs.

So I thought I would pass on details of their next meeting, the second 
E-Space workshop is on February 1st, 10AM, Exeter Library.

The event is open to all, and is intended to provide a basic practical 
introduction to cryptography. We'll be looking at PGP, XMPP/OTR, 
XMPP/Jingle/zRTP, AES for storing and sending files in a safe manner, 
tunneling over Tor and SSH and everything that they think you'll find 

They regularly run pub nights every Friday. Basically, a chance to be 
social with other hackers and share ideas, in lieu of having an open 
space. They love to see stuff being demo'd, whether it's a cool 
software, interesting research or fun hardware. There's free wifi, which 
comes in very handy when you suddenly need to know exactly how a 
protocol works. The Farmers Union (Next to the clock tower, on Queen 
Street) are really cool about us being there, and have not minded people 
pulling apart braille laptops on the table, messing around with RFID 
gear, working on Arduino projects.. and I think someone once brought in 
a microcopter? As long as you're not doing anything illegal, disruptive 
or using tools other than a screwdriver (and we keep buying food and 
drink) they're cool.

Run every Friday, from 6PM through to usually about 8, though sometimes 
longer if there's a bunch of people, or shorter if no-one turns up.

Following the ServerHacking workshop, they've done a rebrand of all of 
the online materials to match. Now @e_spaceproject on Twitter, 
e-spaceproject on google groups, and a wiki at http://e-space.wikia.com. 
Most usefully an up to date website at http://espaceproject.org.uk, 
which also serves copies of the notes and presentations from our workshops.

They're looking forward to the Exeter Library 'Fab Lab' hackerspace, 
especially since it looks like they'll be able to hire it for more 
hardware-oriented workshops. In the meantime, come to the Cryptoparty 
workshop on February 1st, bring anyone you know who could benefit from 
learning more about encryption, who you'd like to be able to swap 
encrypted data with or who you think might have fun! All ages welcome, 
it's a public event which won't cost you a penny - though you'll need a 
laptop and some other stuff - details on our website!


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