[ExeterLUG] Fwd: [LUG] Exwick Ark Progress - and do you want to meet up in September in Exeter? Any projects people want to pursue in the area?

Rick.Timmis Rick.Timmis at Abazander.com
Tue Sep 2 07:46:23 UTC 2014

Paul Sutton <zleap at zleap.net> wrote:

On 30/08/14 09:28, Rick.Timmis wrote:
> Hi Everyone
> Great news about the WiFi access points.
> Can I propose that we gather as many LUG members as can possibly make it, so we can have a face to face meeting to discuss what we would like to do over the Autumn and Winter?
> I think it would be a good idea to look at where we are with the systems at the Ark and draw up an action plan and a timetable.
> Please can those who can make the meeting on Friday 9th Sept, give a quick shout out on this list
> I can make it, and will be there at 7pm

I will come if Tom is going,  we are not sure what we are doing yet as
there is a Pi jam on the 13th we want to prep for.

Once we have finished the Ark project we need to look in to how we go
forward  I think there is very little room in the 2 rooms we do use,
unless this is going to be sorted out,  maybe we need a 2nd base of
operations,  Dan S was looking at Aphington.

The nice thing about the exwick centre was that you could actually split
off, form groups and chat,  have room to set up demos for example on
tables and be able to move between groups,  this is  just not possible
where we are.  Plus the lighting was better and there was a shop just
next door.

<Rick says>
Yes, I see your point here. Unfortunately as the City Council took over the centre, we could no longer have it for free.

Lets not forget that we have a good amount being used as storage. Perhaps we should review that. The £50 PC have not taken off, and people want laptops or tablets
</Rick says>

I think we really DO need to look in to how we can reach out to the
community, a few well designed posters / flyers with our contact info on
(inc twitter) won't go a mis, (do we have anyone in to graphics design
on the list ? ) combined with a all hands on desk social media push so
people know we are around,

we need to work out what we are going to be at the next meeting and the
one after that,  then promote it so people know in advanced,

<Rick says>
Having a meeting format might be useful, along with an event schedule. I noticed Surrey LUG did this.
</Rick says>

  but I
can't do this,  as I am already mega tied up with everything else we
need to share the load a little, plus I hardly know Exeter.

Lets discuss on the list,  as all that takes is an e-mail


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