[Falkirk] BCS debriefing

kemal falkirk at mailman.lug.org.uk
Thu May 15 13:19:01 2003

Hi Jonathan

looks like no other ineterest in meeting so i will cancel too save you going
all the way to Falkirk ..
maybe another night? before 4 weeks?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jonathan Riddell" <jr@jriddell.org>
To: "Falkirk GLUG" <falkirk@mailman.lug.org.uk>
Cc: "GLASGOW LUG" <scottish@mailman.lug.org.uk>
Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2003 11:02 PM
Subject: [Falkirk] BCS debriefing

> Tonight's BCS meeting in Edinburgh involved Steven Tweedie of Red Hat
> debating with some bloke from Microsoft.  Steven talked about open source
> software, Microsoft man talked about commercial software and neither
> pointed out that Red Hat is both open sauce and commercial.
> Phil quietly distributed Knoppix and GNUWIN CDs in a bid to subvert the
> Microsoft employees.  One of the Microsoft emplyees bought us all a round
> of drinks to show they're not all bad.  Drochaid/Calum somehow argued in
> agreement with the Microsoft man that the GPL restriced your freedom (not
> sure how he did that, but he did).  Martine of BCS insisted that there was
> a reason for the BCS's existance, but wanted to run a joint event with
> scottish LUGs to justify it.  And Kyle gave us all a life home at 95MPH.
> Plus I seemed to have ended up with a bottle of wine.  My BCS membership
> at work there.
> Is anyone going to Falkirk LUG tomorrow (Thursday) evening?  Ron March for
> example...    Otherwise not much point in me going.  Speak up now!
> Jonathan Riddell
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