[Falkirk] July meetup

Craig R. Skinner skinner at britvault.co.uk
Tue Jul 22 11:46:22 UTC 2014

On 2014-06-20 Fri 16:48 PM |, Greg Sutcliffe wrote:
> As a reminder for later in the year, August will again be our
> TED-style off-topic mini-talk session, so have a think about whether
> there's anything you'd like to present about your other hobbies and
> interests.

Last night at a dress reversal of the 2014 Commonwealth Games Opening
Ceremony, I walked my New Zealand flag in to the stadium!!!

Make sure to watch the ceremonies!!!

Opening is Weds evening - I'll be @ Falkirk Sportsters from about 7:45.

I'm in both the opening & closing, so there'll probably be something to
blether about for 10 minutes in August.


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