[Glastonbury] Whats happend

Martin WHEELER mwheeler at startext.co.uk
Fri Oct 3 20:43:38 BST 2003

On Fri, 3 Oct 2003, tom hayward wrote:

> I just got apache to work on my laptop.

Good.  (If under Linux.)
Not So Good (if under Windows).
You *still* don't say which you're using.
If you want us to help you Tom, you simply _must_ give us more
information on what you're doing -- we can't possibly guess what you're
using, or what on, or anything.

> It worked fine but now when i open apache in console it says:

Umm -- why are you 'opening' apache?
There's nothing to see -- once started, apache is a process which runs
in the background, doing stuff which ensures that your browsers etc.
work -- but the only intervention needed from you (if any at all) is to
start it:  'apachectl start';  or to stop it:  'apachectl stop'.
It isn't like an application, where you get a nice little dialogue box
on the screen with pull-down menus, etc. -- it's a background *process*.
There's nowt to open; and nowt to see.
What happens if you enter 'http://localhost/' as a webpage address in
any browser you've got running?

> Whats happend

Your guess is as good as mine, mate, until you tell us *exactly* what it
is you're doing; what with; what on; and how.  (And maybe also 'why'.)
Following instructions blindly from a magazine can lead you into some
strange back alleys.  Particularly if the magazine is for Windows, and
you're using Linux!

Martin Wheeler   -   StarTEXT / AVALONIX - Glastonbury - BA6 9PH - England
mwheeler at startext.co.uk                http://www.startext.co.uk/mwheeler/
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