[Glastonbury] meeting - Jan 10th

Martin Wheeler mwheeler at startext.co.uk
Mon Jan 9 17:53:21 GMT 2006

[This is a re-send, as the first one doesn't appear to have got through]

Just a reminder to all members that our next meeting is tomorrow night 
(Tuesday, Jan. 10th) at 19.00 in the ICT Centre off Benedict Street in 

As this is our first meeting in this venue, we will be spending some time 
getting to know the local kit and installations -- please bring your laptops to 
check out connectivity to the projector, network, other machines, etc.; and 
your favourite Linux distribution bootable CD(s).

As luck would have it, my latest order for a dozen copies of Ubuntu 5.10 (Farty 
Ferret?...whatever...) arrived Saturday, so those of you wishing to pick up a 
copy shouldn't be disappointed, particularly as Sean has received his order 
also, and will be bringing his spare copies along too. Anyone else who has 
received their order, please bring along -- I've no idea how many folks are 
going to turn up, but it's a good occasion to take stock.

I'll be providing milk and a few tea-bags (I don't over-indulge in coffee, and 
I'm no longer allowed sugar) so if you want to partake of either of those, 
someone'll have to provide them separately.

A few spare cables probably wouldn't go amiss either (CAT5; extra power-points, 
etc.); I'll also try to remember to bring along a few blank CDs.

    >>Remember to *clearly label* any personal kit you bring with you.<<

If anyone intends bringing along a 'problem-machine' for fixing, could you 
PLEASE let us know in advance via the list, so we can all have a think about 
what the problem might be, and how it might be fixed.  (Not much time now, I 
know -- but better just-in-time than not-at-all.)

We will also be going through ways of collaborative contribution to the group 
website -- members might like to have a think about that; set up their own 
sample sites available online; or bring along suitably configured laptops if 
they favour alternative software.

And of course, we'll be putting together ideas for the subject of future 
meetings -- scribble down your ideas in advance.

See you all there!
Martin Wheeler   -   StarTEXT / AVALONIX - Glastonbury - BA6 9PH - England
mwheeler at startext.co.uk                http://www.startext.co.uk/mwheeler/
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        - Share your knowledge. It's a way of achieving immortality. -

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