[Gllug] On Linux desktops...

Nix nix at esperi.demon.co.uk
Wed Oct 17 20:26:56 UTC 2001

On Wed, 17 Oct 2001, Xander D. Harkness spake:
> Isn't this how the programming with the lego machines work.  You drag
> and drop programming lumps together?  At least that's what it looks
> like on the packet.

Yes, but, ye gods, it's crap. Imagine if you will a programming language
that can have at most forty-some variables per program and about as many
conditionals, and in which all but 3K of the machine's 32K of RAM is
consumed by the horrible interpreter which runs what you upload to the
embedded processor.

It's not a sane programming language. It's aimed at six-year-olds, and
it shows. (And, at that, I was doing ZX81 assembler by the time I was
six... perhaps at four-year-olds.)

`Btw, in Norwegian... Pine means agony, and although I use it every
 day, I still agree.' --- Lene Jensen

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