[Gllug] What to do in 151 days?

Nix nix at esperi.demon.co.uk
Tue Sep 25 20:50:47 UTC 2001

On Tue, 25 Sep 2001, Harry Jackson stated:
> Try and crack a few large prime numbers.

Er, crack them to what, exactly?

Do you mean `find large prime numbers' (the GIMPS project) or `factor
some large prime products' (RC5 &c), or what?

(Totally academic, of course, because these are all equally good time

> This is always a good one to while away the wee hours with a pen and pencil
> if you get a bit bored with typing binaries.

`I found M{huge number} by hand.'

(er, no thanks, not unless I am one of Greg Egan's
diasporeans. Biological humans are outclassed for this sort of stuff...)

`Upsetting this BOFH was a BAD MOVE.' --- Chris Newport

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