[Gllug] Capturing telnet session

Kim Hawtin kim at aldigital.co.uk
Tue Sep 18 14:13:35 UTC 2001

> > I need to capture the results of a telnet session to a file,
> > to download the configuration of some networking gear for
> > a tech support call.

> In truly bad netiquette, I reply to my own question.
> Perl is my friend, and I'm going to write
> a scritp which uses the Net::Telnet module to do the
> telnet in and capture the output.
> On a related note, I recently had to print off the output of some telnet
> sessions.
> I used xwd, then piped the output of each capture file to
> xwdtopbm | pbmtops | lpr to get the output (or some such sequence -
> I also did a black/white reversal to save toner)

> One wonders if the Gnome desktop (or KDE or whatever)
> needs a convenient screen grab/printint utility.
> Some smart person will of course respond -
> Aha! It's already there as....

ummm try XV =) it has a neat little window capture thingy!



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