[Gllug] Text images for web browser

John Hearns john.hearns at framestore-cfc.com
Mon Feb 4 10:18:48 UTC 2002

On Mon, 2002-02-04 at 09:39, robin.c.smith at bt.com wrote:

> echo "Accounts" | someapp --width 100 --height 30 --textcolour "#123456"
> --bgcolour "#654321" --format jpg > accounts.jpg

Sorry to be a bit short with you.
The tool you are lookign for is 'pbmtext'
Along with that, you get all sorts of other 
utilities for graphics cropping, resizing and 
format conversion.
What you do is pipe the output of one to the other.

Not remembering EXACTLY what the utilities are,
what you need is

echo "Accounts" | pbmtext

Then use pnmscale and ppmtojpeg

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