[Gllug] Working with Linux in the UK.

William Palfreman william at palfreman.com
Sun Jan 6 20:41:17 UTC 2002

On Sun, 6 Jan 2002, Kieran wrote:

> As an aside, I've heard that in Australia, agencies will advertise
> non-existent jobs, to get candidates on their books.  Does anyone have
> experience of this in the UK?

Yup.  Agencies doing that in London cost me so much money (i.e. no job and
time wasted applying) that I almost had to move back to my parents.  What
I liked about the people I came across on jobserve.com was that didn't
seem to be happening - recruitment people actually called me back after
the initial response one gets from CV harvesters.


William Palfreman

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