[Gllug] Init not Found

Kim Hawtin kim at aldigital.co.uk
Tue Jan 8 09:45:20 UTC 2002

On Tue, Jan 08, 2002 at 10:56:01AM -0000, Jackson, Harry wrote:
> I got a bit of a scare this morning with the following message.
> "Init not found"

it might pay to familiarise yourself with your /etc/lilo.conf
and /etc/inittab, and what the values for these things mean.

> This happened during boot and I was unable to do anything understandable so
> I had to reset the PC. I am running RH 7.2 KDE (Default) and have not been
> up to anything daft for a change. I rebooted and it worked fine. I have also
> have had other locks at various points during login could they all be
> related or is the lock during login a KDE quirk.

just out of interest, what file system are you running?

and what does RH 7.2 install by default?


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