[Gllug] [OT] Re: Google knows all...

Stig Brautaset stigbrau at start.no
Fri Sep 20 17:28:59 UTC 2002

On Sep 20 2002, Tethys was overheard saying:
> >	http://www.hellblues.com/hbf/english/index.html
> >
> >In particular, check out the 'events' page that announces the 
> >"Hell Blues Festival's Church Concert" :P
> One has to wonder why there's a place called "Hell" in the first
> place. If it was "Hel", then it would make sense, but using the
> Christian spelling implies all the Christian connotations, and
> hence it's not something you'd name a place after, unless it was
> sufficiently inhospitable that no one would live there (which
> obviously isn't true, here).

Ah, but you see... In Norwegian, the word "hell" means "Luck", so it's
not that funny =)

"Hel" (short for "Helheimen", I believe) and "helvete" has the same
meaning in Norwegian as "Hell" has in English.


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