[Gllug] Module vs compiled in...

Dylan dylan at dylan.me.uk
Fri Jul 18 13:23:24 UTC 2003

Hello All,

I'm currently tinkering with LinuxFromScratch to get a good handle on how the 
system hangs together. Now, on a box with onboard devices (which will 
necessarily not be swapped out, therefore) such as NIC and graphics card, 
what are the opinions on the swings and roundabouts of compiling the drivers 
as modules or compiling them into the kernel?

The way I see it, a NIC and graphics card are effectively in constant use, 
hence the load-on-demand benefits (such as memory usage) simply don't 

Any comments/thoughts welcomed.


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Heart of this nation
Desert us not
We are between the wars
- Billy Bragg

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