[Gllug] problems with mysql database access

Sean Burlington sean at uncertainty.org.uk
Mon Jun 2 17:51:09 UTC 2003

Hi All,
	I came back from holiday -> apt-get upgraded my system (debian testing) 
and now php/mysql won't play nice

command line works fine

mysql -uschool -pbonfire school


     /* Connecting, selecting database */
     $link = mysql_connect("localhost", "school", "bonfire")
         or die("Could not connect : " . mysql_error());
     print "Connected successfully";
     mysql_select_db("school") or die("Could not select database". 


results in the following error

Connected successfully
Could not select databaseAccess denied for user: '@localhost' to 
database 'school'

the logfile shows this ...

030602 18:47:01      33 Connect     sean at localhost as anonymous on
                      33 Init DB     Access denied for user: 
'@localhost' to database 'school'
                      33 Quit

Any ideas why the connection is being made as anonymous instead of with 
the details supplied ???

I'm at the hair pulling stage ... and have a more confused system having 
tried uninstalling / re-installing things - seems like Debian doesn't 
like you to delete config files (RH never seemed to mind)

thanks in advance



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