[Gllug] User Internet monitoring

Alistair Mann alistair at lgeezer.net
Thu Jun 12 18:13:49 UTC 2003

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Thus spaketh Rev Simon Rumble on Thursday 12 June 2003 6:22 pm:
> On Thu 12 Jun, Jason Clifford bloviated thus:
> > I would steer clear of using the expression "offensive" on it's own
> > without setting some very clear limits on it.
> >
> > I would however be careful to proscribe accessing sexually explicit
> > materials or other materials which could give rise to claims of sexual or
> > racial harrassment.
> This doesn't cover some of the stuff I've encountered that some
> strangely find is "funny".  I'm talking about the gross-out stuff:
> photos of bullfighters getting gored, two Japanese girls throwing up
> into each others' mouths.  That kinda thing.  Puts me off my lunch,
> but isn't porn or racism.

I think Jason was wrong to suggest steering clear of 'offensive'; English law 
is full of words like that. Parliament has often left the interpretation of 
key words to the courts: the test is not usually a logical one "Is this 
offensive?", but a subjective one: "Would a reasonable person find this 
offensive?" It makes for law that adapts well to both a changing community 
and the passage of time.

It might be better to also have a policy against unproductive time; it's 
easier to prove something was unproductive than offensive!

- -- 
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