Paypal (was Re: [Gllug] OT : Credit cards in a MySQL Database)

Chris Ball chris at
Tue Jun 17 16:36:00 UTC 2003

>> On 17 Jun 2003 16:11:23, Rich Walker <rw at> said:

   > Unless you know of a bank where the online-access doesn't require
   > specific Java runtime engines, specific holes in your firewall or
   > specific browsers; a bank where you can keep your accounts in
   > multiple currencies without incurring a UKP 20 charge for each
   > transaction; a bank that simplifies online payments for small
   > businesses?

HSBC seems to cover all of these except the multiple currencies (for
which I've heard good things about Citibank).  I can check my account
balances with HSBC from inside lynx or w3m, and came up with a Perl
module (Finance::Bank::HSBC, on the CPAN) to script just that.

   > Hmm - just as a matter of interest, you'd be referring to the
   > same banking system that left the people who'd invested in BCCI
   > up the creek?

In the UK, banks (both ``normal'' and investment) are required to use
named accounts for customers depositing -- they can't touch that money

- Chris.
$a="";  Chris Ball | chris at void.$a | www.$a | finger: chris@$a
|  "Emacs running on the JVM just seems... weird.  The JVM running on
|  emacs doesn't, though."           -- Dan Sugalski, on ll1-discuss.

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