[Gllug] Major corporal damage to the Kernel?

Andrew Halliwell ah at gnd.com
Tue May 6 09:29:08 UTC 2003

And verily, didst Peter Rutherford announce to the hordes:
> As a major league newbie I am most puzzled by a
> comment 
> in a rave revue of Redhat 9 in the Linux User Magazine
> (UK).
> On page 63, column 1, the author says " ... the Redhat
> kernel now 
> diverges appreciably from the stock kernel which may
> give some 
> headaches ... "
> Doesn't this mean that, for the greater good of all,
> ordinary folk 
> can't tinker with it?

The fact that the redhat kernel is patched to b*****y is proof that normal
people can tinker with it.

The only headaches you're likely to get with a heavily patched kernel is if
you need drivers that aren't currently in the kernel sources. Such as
NVidia. They might have trouble compiling if something in the modified
sources clashes, but, as it's read hat, most of the GOOD vendors will just
release a pre-compiled RPM for redhat anyway.

If you do have a bit of hardware with a driver that won't compile, all it
means is downgrading to a previous kernel (or upgrading to the latest stock
one, depending on what the docs say that came with the driver).

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