[Gllug] re: OSS CMSs

David Damerell damerell at chiark.greenend.org.uk
Thu Apr 28 15:47:33 UTC 2005

On Thursday, 28 Apr 2005, Aaron Trevena wrote:
>On 4/28/05, Tethys <tet at createservices.com> wrote: 
>>The only facts I have are the fact that I've personally seen more bad
>>code written in perl than in any other language. That, and the fact
>>that much of the rest of the net seems to agree with my observations
>>more than they agree with yours.
>I doubt even that much of the rest of the internet would agree with
>you once you exclude the kids from slashdot and those who have never
>written a line of perl in their life.

Well, I agree that Perl is a major suspect there, and I've been
writing it for eight years, simply because of the convenience of the
language for quick hacks. No-one writes quick hacks in Java because
you can't write anything quickly in Java, for example, but it's easy
to knock up a Perl script for text processing that's almost right in
no time at all...

Of course PHP has now surpassed Perl as the language of choice for
bletcherous messes, especially for Web development; and I don't think
the mass of bad Perl code says much about the possibilities of good
Perl code; but you can't claim there isn't a lot of silly Perl out

David Damerell <damerell at chiark.greenend.org.uk> Kill the tomato!
Today is Mania, May.
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