[Gllug] Recommendations for a change request management system

John Winters john at sinodun.org.uk
Mon Aug 29 16:25:59 UTC 2005

Hi all,

I'm looking for a small change request management system to ease my task
at school.  I'm responsible for timetables and get quite a large flow of
input from all directions requesting things.  Possibly more important,
sometimes I *don't* get the request - it's passed from person to person
but never comes to me - and only find out about it when whatever was
requested doesn't happen.  Fortunately I keep all my e-mails carefully
filed so can generally demonstrate what I have and haven't been asked
for, but it would be much better to have some sort of publically
accessible repository.

I'm thinking of:

	Web interface
	Requests can be entered and queried by any member of staff
	Requests categorised and given a status by me
	Some simple sorting and reports

Nothing frightfully complex, but ideally Open Source (because then I can
shove it on my own Linux box at school instead of waiting for IT
services to do a feasibility study which will take 18 months) and
ideally available as a Debian package to make life even easier.

Any recommendations?


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