[Gllug] Lonix - The London Linux User Group (Lonix - London Linux Us

Tushar Joshi tjoshi at lonix.org.uk
Wed Jul 27 16:31:03 UTC 2005

Hi ,

Here are the details of the next meeting for Lonix,

Date:  Thursday 4 Aug 2005 
Time:  6pm
Place: London Olympia
Nearest Tube:  Olympia (District line) 
Phone: 020 8992 7008

This month we'll be meeting at the CAMRA beer festival in Olympia Exhibition hall. Exact location inside the hall will be next to the Badger beer stand. Some of us will be wearing Lonix Tshirts, look for those. If you can't find us, then call 07980 224 772 when you get to the badger stand and speakto the drunk person at the end of the phone ;)

Here, most of the UK's best breweries will be exhibiting and there will be a whole host of delicious food to try including olives, pork pies, cornish pasties and german sausages! There's also pie/mash and sausage/mash. Gallons and gallons of beer from Wales, Scotland and England including fine perry and cider!

Entrance is 7 pounds on the door and you can hire/buy a souvenir glass inside. The format is to travel around the show and grab yourself a pint or half pint at any of the breweries exhibiting here. For those who like a bit of Belgium/French beer, there's the Bieres sans Frontieres stand. Although these can be up to 23% in strength (And I'm not carrying anyone home like last year).

Also we are planning our annual Lonix Installfest for next month (August). Details will be on the Lonix website soon.

Tushar  Joshi

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