[Gllug] Best single CD Linux distro

Russell Howe rhowe at wiss.co.uk
Mon Mar 21 22:41:05 UTC 2005

On Mon, Mar 21, 2005 at 10:06:06PM +0000, Rob Crowther wrote:
> I upgraded my work laptop to a 5200RPM drive and have not noticed any 
> ill effects - battery life seems much the same, temperature doesn't seem 
> to be more of a problem, and I got a 30% performance boost on boot up 
> time (which is all that I measured before and after).

Ah OK, perhaps not such a problem then.

The machine I upgraded the HD on was a tiny little Vaio, and there
wasn't really any cooling to speak of at all for the drive.

I just matched the heat dissipation and power consumption (and still
found a faster, higher capacity drive than it shipped with)

Russell Howe       | Why be just another cog in the machine,
rhowe at siksai.co.uk | when you can be the spanner in the works?
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