User Friendly - Is it Funny (was [Gllug] Playstation 2 Linux )

Benedikt Heinen gllug at
Mon Mar 7 21:46:03 UTC 2005

>> Here's a good idea for a poll.
>> Who actually finds User Friendly funny?
> As with any cartoon, not all of them are funny but some of them are
> priceless.

Gladly seconded... Though, UserFriendly is a bit more "geeky" than other 
similar cartoons, in that they do not shy away from references to stuff 
from "ages" ago. People that only have been in IT for, say, 10 years will 
have less chances of fully appreciating those user friendly cartoons 
mentioning "grue"s/"zork" (from old Infocom *text* adventures) or other 
pre-PC stuff.


 	It seems I think I am, therefore it seems I am, I think!
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