[Gllug] just preaching to the converted !

Chris Hunter chrisehunter at blueyonder.co.uk
Tue Oct 25 20:35:34 UTC 2005

paul wrote:
> On Saturday 22 October 2005 12:43, you wrote:
>>he underlying structure of Linux (and all the other Unix - based
>>OSs) makes it an ideal OS for a hostile networked environment.  It was
>>originally designed as a multi-user, secure OS, unlike any of the MS
>>offerings, where these facilities were just tagged on later.
> If you reverse that logic - those who see a hostile networking environment
> as an ideal situation would find a success like linux a great achievement to 
> crack. How ideal is Linux, that is the question - isn't?
> I take your point that Linux was designed and continues to be crafted with 
> security inherently at its core - but surely anyone with a strong enough will
> could find exploits that haven't been thought of - so can't be designed for 
> ---- or does that show I'm a little naive and perhaps ill educated about 
> Linux?

Not at all, Paul.  As far as I can see, there have been innumerable 
attempts to create generic attacks on Linux.  They have been 
unsuccessful because of the vast diversity of the OS - I can guarantee 
that your machine won't be configured /anything/ like mine!

An attack on one system is unlikely to work on another.

This is unlike an OS like Windows - most installs are much the same, and 
an abuse of one is /very/ likely to work on another.


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