[Gllug] Ceasing an ADSL telephone line

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Sun Aug 19 13:07:02 UTC 2007

On 19 Aug 2007, Jason Clifford stated:

> On Sun, 19 Aug 2007, Paul Cupis wrote:
>> > Not FUD but actual experience. I run an ISP every day.
>> Me too, so my actual experience tells me that it is FUD.
> How can it be FUD if it is actually happened and not just once or twice 
> but many times?
> It's either happening in which case it is not FUD or I am lying. I am not 
> lying.

We are being asked to choose here between two situations:

 - Jason is not lying and BT make cockups, possibly fairly frequently

 - Jason is lying and BT never ever make mistakes

I know which *I* believe.
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