[Gllug] Asus EEE PC

Alain Williams addw at phcomp.co.uk
Tue Dec 18 18:33:00 UTC 2007

On Tue, Dec 18, 2007 at 06:24:05PM +0000, Richard Jones wrote:
> http://www.microanvika.com/product.asp?PNO=ASU14450B
> Anyone have one?

I saw one a fortnight ago, a friend has one. He likes it.
I am mined to get one, it is nice & small. I want to use it
to do presentations (the beamer plug-in/VGA-port will do 1024x768 apparently).
As a portable I am not interested is vast computing power.

> How upgradable is it?  Since the 8 GB and (rumoured) 16 GB models
> haven't made it to these shores yet, I think it needs 2 GB of RAM and
> as much flash as it can take.

Alain Williams
Linux Consultant - Mail systems, Web sites, Networking, Programmer, IT Lecturer.
+44 (0) 787 668 0256  http://www.phcomp.co.uk/
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