[Gllug] NHS opt out

Aaron Trevena aaron.trevena at gmail.com
Tue Jan 23 12:11:52 UTC 2007

On 23/01/07, Geo <caparo.g at gmail.com> wrote:
>  well I'm also interested in Knowing if the health practioner in front of me
> knows how to read the english version of the data. Having had to use force to
> "restrain" some numb nut from injecting me with a drug I'm allergic to. This
> is despite being asked 3 times wether he had read my notes. Then had to
> listen so some other a**wipe manager explain to me I should not physically
> abuse his staff, the appearance of my brothers one of whom is a Lawyer soon
> calmed things down.
>         I do wonder wether the incident was recorded properly though

Recently we've had an entire medical history lost for several weeks -
2 thick volumes of notes.

And on friday a nurse told my wife to "go home and rest" and it was
only after some argument that she agreed to page the midwife, who sent
her straight to delivery suite, and a 4 day stay in hospital resulting
in a new drug regime for blood pressure and a lot of tests and

Can't say I'm impressed at the moment with some elements of our local
doctors - and I'm particularly concerned that our local hospital is
advertising for a 'marketing director' with a 100k salary - in an area
(cornwall) where the average salary is closer to 10k, and in a
hospital with such severe debt problems it's laying off staff,
requires staff to provide their own stationary, and has recently left
scanners and theatres closed for weeks because it didn't want to pay
for people to use them.

On the plus side - the staff in the maternity unit were all fantastic,
our midwife and heath visitor are also great and our GP is great.

The problems seem to be the rare individual who ought to be in a
different job (of which even in our, very good doctors surgery, there
are at least 3) and the whole 'making hospitals run like business'
which has resulted in our out-of-hours GP service referring 90% of
patients to the A&E and at least 2 near deaths from advice to 'see the
GP in the morning'. Fortunately people trust the service so little
they call themselves an ambulance.



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