[Gllug] A few words on the topic of stock spam

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Tue Jul 10 22:45:35 UTC 2007

On 10 Jul 2007, Martin A. Brooks stated:

> Nix wrote:
>> FWIW, FuzzyOCR with a pipeline that turns the jpegs into images and then
>> OCRs them as usual does a reasonable job on this (if you ignore the
>> hokey horrible method FuzzyOCR uses to identify spammy words: I really
>> must get this stuff fed through Bayes like everything else).
> Perhaps you misread a little. We're already past that stage, PDF spam is 
> all the rage.

I can't parse this at all. We're already past *what* stage? I never
mentioned any sort of stage.

`... in the sense that dragons logically follow evolution so they would
 be able to wield metal.' --- Kenneth Eng's colourless green ideas sleep
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