[Gllug] Review: Wireless Broadband

David L Neil Mailing list a/c GLLUG at getaroundtoit.co.uk
Mon Jun 16 10:33:33 UTC 2008

The Motley Fool (financial advice site) has recently published an
article: "The Best Broadband Dongle" by Szu Ping Chan. It is not
technical in content, but offers a neat round-up of the contracts
currently available.

She starts off by claiming that "broadband dongles could potentially
save you £203 a year compared to a BT landline" and then promptly says
"you shouldn't let go of your trusty dog and bone just yet".

There is also some coverage of connection and bandwidth experiences...

Might be of some use to those discussing the topic here, earlier...

Disclaimer: reader of the site, not a wireless broadband user.

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