[Gllug] Future meetings - ideas

lesleyb at herlug.org.uk lesleyb at herlug.org.uk
Wed Nov 12 09:20:22 UTC 2008

On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 06:42:54AM +0000, Andrew Black - lists wrote:
> >>   
> > the labs have always been available. a decision was taken that it was a 
> > distraction to the talks and rude to the speakers because people would 
> > go off to the labs rather than watch some of the talks.
> I think the labs are a good idea. If it is considered they don't fit 
> with talks, could we try having the labs on a different day.
> I would call it "Linux workshop" rather than "installfest".
> Here are some questions I would like to discuss
>   - configuring Apache (on a virtaul machine)
why on a virtual machine?
>   - setting up mail distribution lists
>   - backups
> Sure I would think of more, possible on the day in conversation.


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