[Gllug] Future meetings - ideas

Caroline Ford caroline.ford.work at googlemail.com
Tue Nov 11 22:00:51 UTC 2008

2008/11/11 David L Neil Mailing list a/c <GLLUG at getaroundtoit.co.uk>:
> Dear all,

> Possible themes:
> - distro choice, install and hardware-level hands-on/Install-fests
> - fix my bits: (again, hands-on) here's my PC how do I...
> - Linux software how-tos, eg getting SAMBA to go, utilising LVM...
> - Linux futures: what's next in Gnome/KDE, IPA, Spacewalk...
> - Open Source applications: I developed xyz here's how it works...
> - Development: I write in abc language and here's how...
> - other development/tools topics: frameworks, ???
> - FOSS advocacy: how to get the word out about Open Source
> - FOSS projects: project team members tell us what's going on...
> - How organisations are using Linux, eg ISPs, corporates, SMBs
> (add your ideas here)

FLOSS in education
Politics of FLOSS
Ye Olde Installfest/CD giveaway
Open content and other cool shit - eg open streetmap type things
The Miro talk was cool - more stuff like that

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