[Gllug] Cost of RedHat vs Ubuntu desktop support

James Laver jjl at jameslaver.com
Sat Jul 11 09:46:05 UTC 2009

On 11 Jul 2009, at 07:26, Matthew King wrote:

> If an employer tries to tell me which editor, window manager, terminal
> emulator, shell, web browser, etc. etc. to use then they can go to  
> hell
> while I look for another job.

Oh you've met my previous client?

No, I will not use your 'standard issue' windows text editor (e editor  
for anyone interested) for editing my text over the world's slowest  
samba share (and of course the editor will lock up every time you save  
for at least 30 seconds).

I got around this one by keeping ssh constantly open to the  
development server (after they finally gave in and allowed me outgoing  
ssh to that one machine) and running emacs inside of screen.

Other people installed a web server on their windows machines and used  
that. I wasn't a fan. In fact the whole thing was a mess of what you  
can and can't use. I had a big argument with the person I was  
reporting to and eventually he conceded that I could use emacs in the  
aforementioned manner, but being on a locked down windows box, editing  
text in the manner i initially described really didn't do it for me.

The same company of course locked down wget (it was apparently a  
security risk that we could download files to our development server).  
I can't say I was entirely endeared of having to download the files on  
my windows machine and scp them over (no (s)ftp, that might be a  
security risk too). Especially considering that for the first two  
months, I was subject to the most harsh web filters that locked down  
such work-unsafe sites as SOURCEFORGE. thanks, guys.

It's such places that make me glad I'm not a permie, I don't think I'd  
be able to cope.

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