[Gllug] Friday follies: Firefox add-on

DL Neil GLLUG at GetAroundToIt.co.uk
Mon Aug 16 20:49:17 UTC 2010

Sarah Lemarié wrote:
>> Within a browser, is there a means of caching form data just as one
>> presses 'send'?
> If it's only the textareas that you are worried about losing, I
> recommend textarea cache, which is pretty popular in our office.
> https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/5761/
> Hope that helps,
> Sarah.

Indeed it has Sarah.

I've just finished today's lecture and discussion session and sure 
enough one of my learned (and highly valuable, harrumph, cough, 
cough....) contributions failed to reflect from the 'chat' server. I was 
quickly able to re-post without re-typing, exactly as hoped! I suspect 
it will also become "pretty popular" amongst our group very soon!

Many thanks,

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