[Gllug] Fedora 16 MAC Address

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Thu Apr 19 09:43:56 UTC 2012

On 18 Apr 2012, Chris Miles told this:
> This seems to be the core of the issue, all the addresses reported have
> the top bit set, they are 'locally administered' and overwrite the
> card's built in MAC.

Uh, the locally administered bit is not the top bit. The locally
administered bit is the next-from-bottom bit of the top octet. See, e.g.
include/linux/etherdevice.h:random_ether_addr() in a recent Linux kernel

And (unless I've typoed) not all these addresses have that bit set.

> ifconfig allow this locally-administered address to be configured, man

ifconfig is by now very obsolete and frequently misleading (though not
in this case). You want 'ip link set address'.

> e.g.
> ifconfig eth0 hw ether ascii-mac-address

ip link set address ascii-mac-address dev (device)

NULL && (void)
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