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Microsoft-free clubbing<BR>
Some people leave high-tech for local politics and<BR>
others to be...club impresarios? That's the path<BR>
pursued by Netscape engineering enfant terrible,<BR>
Mozilla founder and evangelist, and longtime Rumor<BR>
Mill favorite Jamie Zawinski, who sneak-previewed his<BR>
face-lifted DNA Lounge Tuesday night, and launches it,<BR>
for good luck, this Friday the 13th.<BR>
Zawinski, last seen leading the open-source troops<BR>
into battle against Microsoft and then leaving them<BR>
there, has poured his energies into this new role for<BR>
the past few years, gaining a real-time education in<BR>
permits, construction, and San Francisco's arcane<BR>
nightclub laws. His misadventures are copiously<BR>
detailed in his online diary.<BR>
After Zawinski led the Rumor Mill on a tour of the<BR>
club Thursday afternoon, it was clear that renovations<BR>
were more than skin-deep. Zawinski leveled floors,<BR>
moved bars, sound-proofed the building, installed a<BR>
state-of-the-art sound and lights system, planted Web<BR>
cams throughout, and is in the process of installing<BR>
six Web-enabled kiosks running Red Hat's Linux.<BR>
And the browser? Netscape 4, bien sur!<BR>
DNA Lounge will Webcast in Real and MP3. Windows Media<BR>
Player is not under consideration, says the club<BR>
"This is a Microsoft-free club," he said.<BR>
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