<html><body>Thought about using "wine" windoes emulator *Shiver*<br> and just run the 3 apps u need on linux??<br><br><br>-----Original Message-----<br>From: Allen Baranov [mailto:allen@isa.co.za]<br>Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2003 2:53 PM<br>To: neil.fryer@12snap.com; Glug (E-mail)<br>Cc: Gllug (E-mail)<br>Subject: [GLUG] Re: Forced<br><br><br>Hi,<br><br>With all due respect it sounds like you are trying to turn what is obviously a <br>windows solution into a linux hack. There are no good options for any of <br>those. <br><br>Cept maybe the first one. <br><br>> A Mail Client that can be used with M$ Exchange<br><br>Are you using only mail or are you using the calendar funtion? If its only <br>mail try see if you can use pop or imap to connect. <br><br>> Evolution with the Exchange connector, opinions?<br><br>This will cost you some buxx. Evolution is also very memory intensive. But a <br>very nice product.<br><br>> Something that can read and write M$ Project docs<br><br>No idea on this one.<br><br>> Something that can read/write M$ Visio docs.<br><br>I have seen plenty of packages that impliment this badly but with lots of <br>potential. But nothing that works well. Visio is the only option in this <br>case.(for now)<br><br>How often will you be using these programs? I have some tools that only run on <br>windows (and badly in wine) but I don't use them all the time so I use <br>rdesktop (to terminal server) to do my work when I need windows and linux all <br>the rest of the time. <br><br>Uptime: 31 days :)<br><br>Allen Baranov<br>---<br>To unsubscribe: send the line "unsubscribe glug" in the subject of a<br>mail to glug-request@linux.org.za. Problems: glug-admins@linux.org.za<br>Archives at http://www.linux.org.za/Lists-Archives/<br></body></html>