Hi all,<br><br>I have files with loads of languages on my pc.<br><br>Currently in the trash I have a deleted folder/file:<br><span style="font-style: italic;">.Trash/mp3/ΣΤÎ? Î?Î?Î?ΡΤÎ? ΤÎ?Σ ΦÎ?Î?ΤÎ?ΣÎ?Î?Σ [ 01 ΡÎ?Î?Î?Σ
feat.Î?Î?Î?Î¥Î?Î?ΡÎ?Î? Î?ΡÎ?Î?Î?Î?ΤÎ?Î?Î?] ΦÎ?Î?Î?Î?Î?Î? (Î?Î?Î? Î?Î?Î?Î?Î? Î?Î?Î?ΣÎ?Î?Σ ΣÎ?Î¥ Î?ΥΤÎ?Σ).mp3</span><br><br> (this is a bunch of greek chars, no idea why this particular one causes problems. Other files display normally)
<br><br>However deleting from the recycle bin (right click delete on the mp3 folder) produces the following error:<br><span style="font-style: italic;">Error "File not found" while deleting "/media/sdb1...¤ÎŸÎ£).mp3".
</span><br><br>Clicking into the folder nautilus can see the file, but as soon as I click on the file it disappears from the list (I am guessig a nautilus bug?)<br><br>Command line running rm against either the file or the parent folder produces the following:
<br><span style="font-style: italic;">rm: cannot remove `ΣΤÎ\302\227 Î\302\223Î\302\231Î\302\237ΡΤÎ\302\227 ΤÎ\302\227Σ ΦÎ\302\221Î\302\235ΤÎ\302\221ΣÎ\302\231Î\302\221Σ [ 01 ΡÎ\302\237Î\302\224Î\302\225Σ feat.Î\302\225
Î\302\233Î\302\225Î¥Î\302\230Î\302\225ΡÎ\302\231Î\302\221 Î\302\221ΡÎ\302\222Î\302\221Î\302\235Î\302\231ΤÎ\302\221Î\302\232Î\302\227] ΦÎ\302\237Î\302\222Î\302\221Î\302\234Î\302\221Î\302\231 (Î\302\224Î\302\225Î\302\235 Î\302\225Î\302\231Î\302\235Î\302\221Î\302\231 Î\302\237Î\302\232Î\302\237ΣÎ\302\234Î\302\237Σ ΣÎ\302\237Î¥ Î\302\221ΥΤÎ\302\237Σ).mp3': No such file or directory
<br><br></span>I have <span style="font-style: italic;"></span>had this error before, however at the time someone gave me an awk script that I hacked a little and this worked. I don't have the script anymore. Any ideas?