[Herts] Anyone got a spare KVM switch?

Steve Clark steve at bagofspoons.net
Sat Jun 20 15:58:44 UTC 2009

I'm thinking of setting up a separate PC just for audio work, but want to use 
the monitor and keyboard on the main PC to save space. I used to have a 
switch, but foolishly got rid of it a couple of years back. So does anyone 
have one lying around that they don't need?

I'm also interested in suggestions on a good distro to use for audio work. 
There are a fair few out there. I want something that is going to have things 
like a real time kernel and make it easy to set up Jack. My main PC has some 
audio issues generally. I tried some multi-tracking in Audacity yesterday and 
got terrible latency that put the tracks out of sync.



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