[Hudlug] Anyone fancy doing the LPI exam?

Mark Anderson hudlug at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sat Jan 18 08:02:00 2003

Anne Wilson wrote:

> What happened about this, Mark?  Did you take the course?  What level is it?  
> I mean, it's name could imply everything from 6 months' experience and hard 
> work could do it, to try 5 years and then think about it.


Things are moving a bit slower than planned, as I still have some 
commitments which eat up a lot of time. I should be rid of these in 
about a month so I've moved my planned exam date to early summer.

To see an example paper, point your browser at:


How much Linux experience you need depends on how scholarly you are :)

I'd say 2 years experience would give you the minimum background 
knowledge to make sense of the syllabus, but then that shouldn't put off 
anyone with 6 months if they're keen. I've been using Linux for 3.5 
years and it's a bit of a shock to find out how much stuff I've avoided 
learning all this time.

Anyone else interested?



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