[Hudlug] Anyone fancy doing the LPI exam?

Mark Anderson hudlug at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sun Jan 19 12:12:01 2003

Anne Wilson wrote:

> I've had a look at the Test 101 sample questions, and it doesn't look too 
> daunting.  True I'd have to use CL more than I do, just so that everything's 
> at the top of my mind instead of the bottom <g> but that isn't really a 
> problem.

Yeah, one problem I'm going to have with the exam is I don't think man 
pages or google are allowed ;-)

> OK - next question - how do you go about this?  Is it a home-study + exam at a 
> centre, or what?

It's home study and I think there are a few books about now. I saw a 
review of the O'Really book which was a bit critical. I think the book 
was put together in a bit of a hurry.

Could be an updated version or better alternatives about by now, anyone 
got any recommendations?


"Keep on smoking that stuff. You look great on it"
"Thanks, Mum"
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