[Hudlug] Help in linux setup

hudlug@mailman.lug.org.uk hudlug at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sun Mar 30 10:05:00 2003

Hiya Saeed

You've probably gathered already that the ISO files need burning onto 
a CD.  An ISO is a bit like an archived version of an entire CD, and 
it's a lot easier to distribute Linux distributions in this archived 
format than it is to make you download all the 1,000's of individual 

Firstly, where have you downloaded the ISO files to?  Secondly do you 
have a CD writer - if so, which software do you use for making your 

Also, and I'm sure we've all done it, don't fall into the trap of 
using your CD writing software to just copy the single ISO image 
straight to the CD in the same way that you would if you were writing 
a normal data CD (so that you end up with a CD that has the one big 
ISO file on it).  You need to get your CD writing software to burn it 
as an "image", which will make it extract the files and then write 
them to the CD.

Finally, if you haven't got a CD writer, don't worry - I'm sure 
someone on the list will happily make you a copy of their RedHat 

As for MySQL - you might find that RedHat will do some of the 
configuring for you if you choose to install MySQL.  Once you've got 
that far, feel free to post more questions/problems and I'll have a 
go answering them.

Just spotted that Dom's mentioned them already, but the  
www.linuxemporium.co.uk is a great place to get hold of 
professionally created CD's for next to nothing (e.g. =A312 for the 7 
CD Mandrake set).  Although, it looks like they've stopped doing 
cheap RedHat CD's :-(

Have fun!
Davey P
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