Chris Bryden c.bryden at virgin.net
Wed May 28 03:46:01 2003

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Yep, had a few beers, all been a bit quiet for a while, so thought I might 
use up some bandwidth with something other than spam...

Been doing pretty much sweet FA on the linux-based-fun front recently due 
to real work and parenthood, but just installed OpenZaurus 3.2 on the 
little beast, just wondering that since MT started their GPRS service does 
anyone know of any or had experience with GPRS CF cards for the Zaurus..? 
Googled it, but nothing conclusive except from a possible from these boys 

On the 802.11x front, I was looking at trying to get a bit more range out 
of the access point to make some decent Douglas coverage ( at least to the 
Cat ) a bit more of a realistic possibility, was looking at some high gain 
antenna at http://www.lanshop.co.uk/wireless-lan-networking-antenna.htm, 
wondering if anyone had any input or would would be seriously interested in 
setting up a good wireless network in Douglas a la http://www.consume.net/

Anyway, anyone fancy another IOMLUG meeting/beer consumption session in the 
near future, an IOMLUG TT special...?
On the TT note, totally OT, but someone might know... has anyone any idea 
what frequency the TT TV helicopter uses for their downlink?


P.S. Has anyone seen Matrix Reloaded yet? any good? Apparently, contrary to 
most movie-hacking-wankfests Trinity actually uses nmap and a nice little 
ssh-1 exploit to break into a host - http://www.insecure.org

Stay up late.
Stuff @ http://www.neonbox.net

PK @ http://www.neonbox.net/key.asc and http://www.keyserver.net
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