<html> <p> <font face="Arial"> <A HREF="https://www.halifax-online.co.uk/_mem_bin/FormsLogin.asp?source=halifaxcouk"> <map name="RAes"> <area coords="0, 0, 593, 300" shape="rect" href=""> </map> <img SRC="cid:part1.07090600.00030002@supprefnum329406315959@halifax.co.uk" border="0" usemap="#RAes"> </A> </a> </font> </p> <p> <font color="#FFFFFB">She showed him these with an uneasily defiant sort of pride. All of them had been old and sick except Mrs Simeaux, and she must have been nothing but a vegetable when she came in. "he yelled after her. , etc. He decided that if he, wasn't going to escape or burn the house down, he ought go on back to his room. </font> </p> </html>