[Klug-general] SSL bug

Peter Frost P.Frost at kent.ac.uk
Fri May 23 11:01:00 BST 2008

Karl Lattimer wrote:
> Also, I've never in all my years developing with other people, found people
> who are so god damned sensitive to the slightest jibe.

I've nothing against banter, including profanity - indeed, I've been 
hanging around with the LUGRadio community for years now and you they're 
about the most swear-happy lot on the internet. Friendly banter is fine 
by me, as are strong opinions. What puts me off is the aggressive, 
obnoxious attitude which is on display in what is presumably supposed to 
be a friendly list.

If you want KLUG to be a relaxed, informal forum then the best way to 
encourage this would surely be to take a step back from the monitor and 
take a moment to calm down a bit before trying to toast your opponents.


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