So an idea was suggested to have more virtual meetings using IRC. Teamspeak and Skype could also be used.<br>IRC can be quiet for a long time, then springs to life for a while. My idea would be to try and have a dedicated IRC night once a week, when if we wanted we would make an effort to get on the IRC channel, knowing other people would be there.
<br><br>As people have various schedules of taking their sons to ballet and daughters to football they probably could not do the same night each week, so it might make sense to have a 'rolling schedule'. For example, Monday the first week, Tuesday the next, Wednesday the third etc. It would be easy to add a calendar to the website and advertise the event.
<br><br>Weekly might be too much so every two weeks might work better. Not sure. We can use these virtual meetings to plan items for the physical meetings or blast the hell out of each other with an online game :-) Nexuiz is very good
<a href=""></a><br><br>What are your thoughts?<br><br>Colin<br><br>PS. Oh a 2008 meeting schedule is in the works. Get your A to Z's ready for possible new locations :-)