Just to remind everyone, not that you need reminding as I am sure you check the KLUG website daily :-), that this Saturday we have a meeting in Canterbury from 10am till 2pm.<br><p>This will be our first meeting at Canterbury Christ Church University and will
feature a guided tour of the Klug website, including ways in which
members can be involved with the site. There will also be a chance to look at Drupal installation and configuration and more advanced Drupal topics.
</p>The meeting is going to be in room 'Hpg24(IT)-Norton' of the Newton
Building which is accessed from North Holmes Road, Canterbury. Directions can be found here <a href="http://www.kent.lug.org.uk/klug2/files/Canterbury%20Meeting%20Location%20Directions.pdf">http://www.kent.lug.org.uk/klug2/files/Canterbury%20Meeting%20Location%20Directions.pdf</a><br>
<br>Hope to see as many people as possible on Saturday.<br><br>Colin<br>