Here is a brief synopsis of todays meeting.<br><br> <b><br>April Canterbury Meeting Synopsis </b><br><br><u>Attendee's </u><br><br>How many Linux nerds does it take to get on the Internet? 11 and they are <br><br>Kevin, Karl B, Pete, Mike, Paul, Dan , Mark, Phillipe, Julia, Colin, Dan Attwood<br>
<br><u>Programming under Linux. By Kevin</u><br><br>Kevin gave a very clear and informative presentation of the tools and languages that can be used to program under Linux. His presentation document will be made available on the website soon. We then all discussed the 'KLUG Project' idea that was first discussed in the mailing list. <br>
<br>Some suggested idea's for a project included a music backup system and adding a module to GNUCash, It was suggested that we all look at working with the <a href=""></a> people instead of working on our own. <br>
<br>It was then suggested we first help another project create documentation, rather than going straight into our own project and start programming. It was suggested we offer (for example) an hours time at a KLUG meeting to produce some documentation. This could calculate to 12 'person' hours of work. Projects like Oly's <a href=""></a> or the Karoshi project <a href=""></a> could benefit from this. <br>
<br>We all decided to work on a documentation project first, and then move to a programming project. <br><br>Kevin offered to check with Karoshi people. <br><br>At this point is was suggested next months TechTalk could be on Scribus as it would be useful when creating the documentation. Also another suggested TechTalk topic was MythTV as this months Linux Format had reviews of DVB Tuners. <br>
<br>BREAK FOR COFFEE. <br><br><u>Introduction to the Command Line Interface (CLI) by Julia </u><br><br>Julia then gave an excellent overview of some very useful commands, showing the power of what can be done and with ease. <br>
<br>Here's a brief timeline of what was shown<br><br>shows how to use <b>grep</b> -in <br><br>shows how to use <b>cd </b><br><br>shows how to use <b>ls</b>, <b>ls -l </b>(which is long) <b>-tl</b> (by time) <b>-lr</b> (by revserse) <b>-ltr </b><br>
<br>shows <b>reset</b> which clears the screen <br><br>shows <b>man</b><br><br>shows <b>mv</b> which is used to rename a file as you are moving one file to another file <br><br>shows <b>man -k</b> (then keyword) to find command to use<br>
<br>shows <b>whois </b>to find out who owns a domain name <br><br>shows <b>dig</b> which gives DNS information. More detailed than nslookup<br><br>show <b>top</b> to see what processes are running <br><br>shows <b>screen</b> briefly. Good topic for another talk <br>
<br>shows<b> ps</b> to show processes running <br><br>shows <b>cat</b> (concatenate) <br><br>shows <b>wget</b> use<b> -c </b>to continue broken download <br><br>shows <b>cal </b>to show calendar <br><br>shows <b>chmod </b>r=read w=write x=executable look at man chmod <br>
<br>shows<b> traceroute</b> to show hops across the internet to a server <br><br>show <b>ifconfig</b> to show your network device configuration <br><br><u>Twitter and GroupTwitter </u><br><br>Dan (Monsieurledan) then quickly showed us all how to use Twitter and GroupTwitter which (when working) could be a very useful tool of KentLUG sending out important information like last minute venue changes etc. <br>
<br>Thanks to everyone who came, it was a great meeting. Please add you own comments to the synopsis.<br><br>See you next month<br><br>Colin<br> <br><br> <br><br>